
Selling Mix, Marketing Mix, Promotion, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Customer Currency, Context, Cold Calling, Referral, Introduction, Influence, Sales Rep, Buyer Journey, Sales Process
Several months back I was sitting in on a sales meeting with a new client, observing her sales team, what she asked of them and what they reported. When asked about the progress on meeting with a particular prospect, one sales rep admitted, with frustration, “I don’t know what his problem is. I just haven’t...
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Fear is the biggest obstacle standing between us and our objectives – earning promotions, sales or customers.
As a woman who has had a successful career in sales and built a business around helping people sell their product, service or themselves, I understand just how greatly people fear “selling” and “promoting” themselves. The biological and psychological barriers, the stigma, the cultural and gender bias that comes along with self promotion is paralyzing...
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The Pipeline

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