
This week, I met with my client, “Jane” who is launching a great new product. We talked about her initial efforts and responses to her first few prospect pitches. She was surprised that her first prospects balked at her value proposition and didn’t jump up and take her offer on the spot. I asked Jane...
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Everyone is in sales. EVERYONE has an agenda, a product, an idea, a position that they need to sell and on the flip side, we are ALL customers and prospective customers. At any given time, we are selling or being sold. So with a world full of Sales People, sometimes we are face to face...
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Are you asking the right customer questions?
We’re pretty outspoken in The Selling Agency about how we feel when it comes to the big Capabilities and Features dance that most sales people and sales messages lead with when they get in front of prospects. Being a professional – Sales Person, or otherwise – demands that we be more effective and more relevant...
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