
When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...
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This week, I met with my client, “Jane” who is launching a great new product. We talked about her initial efforts and responses to her first few prospect pitches. She was surprised that her first prospects balked at her value proposition and didn’t jump up and take her offer on the spot. I asked Jane...
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10 things i wish i'd known before i started selling
Many of our clients are in the early stages of Sales Team development as part of their growth strategy. It’s painful, growth is, but investing in building the resources, processes and skills of the Sales Program, puts them on track to seriously scale their business. Teaching new sales people to leverage their own skill sets...
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Results vs Performance and the Business Dashboard
It’s seems logical to think – if you’re a Business Owner or a Sales Rep – that the only performance metric that matters is the “End Result”. Did you meet your numbers? Or did you fall short? You got in the car and drove and either made it to your destination or didn’t. The final...
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Sales Action Quote: Success is connected with action. Successful People keep moving forward.
Whether you are selling your business, your services, a product, an idea, collaboration, or yourself . . . Marketing alone doesn’t bring in the results. Selling – asking for business, reaching out to build relationships – is what brings business through your door. If you’re not getting the results you want, take a look at what...
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If you’re not happy with where you are, you commit to change, right? But where are you putting your commitment? Are you committing to the results or to the CHANGES that get you to the results? A wise Sales Director once told his team,
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Getting your message across, being heard, being seen . . . it’s pretty tough today as we are bombarded with messages from every direction. What makes your message special? How do you make a great impression? Here are 7 Cool Tools to increase your WOW Factor: Connecting to groups through email? Save yourself some gray...
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