
Desperation Calling!
Last week, I had two instances where sales reps contacted me to try to sell me a product. In both cases, each rep was certain I needed their subscription software. Both of their general sales rational were that other businesses found their product helpful and the features were great and I should sign up today....
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Business - it's not like Tee Ball, hustling, major league, measurement, tracking, accountability, sales, revenue, growing small business
Ask anyone how they determine who to pick for their Fantasy Sports team and they’ll tell you it’s all about the “stats”. Performance metrics are the best indicators of future success. Stats are kept for each play, each hit, tackle, pass, catch, whatever the sport if an athlete moves, it’s tracked so they can make...
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3 Revenue Growth Alternatives to chasing leads
When one of our clients asks us to work with their sales team on revenue growth, we first conduct some interviews of the sales people and ask, “What do you need to do your job better?” they usually answer with one of these two responses: “More aggressive pricing” and “More new leads” The first answer...
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Small Business, Employees sell, Motivate, Selling Organization
Most small businesses don’t yet have a sales team. All the “selling” has been shouldered by the owner from the launch and through the growth of the business and that owner wears way too many hats. For successful businesses, at some point, the owner decides that growth requires sharing that “sales” hat and then seeks...
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Cash Flow Crisis_Small Business_Sales Process_Sales Strategy_Stop Winging It
You can say it in many ways. You can define it in many terms – from the technical to blunt: CASH FLOW is KING for small business. The ability to survive and the opportunity to thrive for a small business both hinge on access to available cash. Surviving means you have the necessary cash to...
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prevent unhappy customers in your business
We spend a lot of time and energy writing and discussing how to attract and sell to customers. Our focus is primarily on the top of the funnel – generating “At Bats” for our customers and readers because if you bring the right product to the right people at the right time and demonstrate your...
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Small Business Solutions: Steak or Potatoes Strategy
  We work with a lot of small and not-so-small businesses – from many different industries and markets – data management, accounting, freight and logistics, restaurants, technology, drilling {oil}, commercial construction . . . a pretty diverse group. But they all have one thing in common: most of these great businesses have tried, started or...
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It’s financially detrimental when you make “Sales” an afterthought in your business.
I’ve heard every conceivable combination of titles and explanations that dance around the inevitable conclusion that a person is SELLING something. Give me a title, a business, any role, and I can tell you what they are selling: HR Director—Sells employee buy in, job satisfaction, order and processes Nail Artist—Sells unique self expression, personal style...
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I told a story yesterday about the process of how I named my consulting firm, “The Selling Agency”. This came from excellent feedback {EVERYONE needs outside perspective} from a really smarty pants colleague who pushed me to really focus on what the experience, core competencies and key deliverables would be for my clients: Quickly closing...
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What do you and your business stand for? Why should I get to know you? Why would I accept your meeting invitation or connection request? What value do you bring to my network? What do you excel at? Who have you worked with before? What results do you produce? Will I like working with you?...
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