
We write a lot here about Selling – Selling Best Practices, Selling Value, Sales Strategy . . . but we’re not just speaking to the “Sales Reps”. If you’ve got a business, YOU are in Sales {and that goes for Non Profits too}. When we’re asked to come in to a business it’s usually because...
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10 things i wish i'd known before i started selling
Many of our clients are in the early stages of Sales Team development as part of their growth strategy. It’s painful, growth is, but investing in building the resources, processes and skills of the Sales Program, puts them on track to seriously scale their business. Teaching new sales people to leverage their own skill sets...
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Telling is not selling. but Asking is.
The Universe MUST have been “telling” me to write this blog post this week. Surely it is a sign when I look back at my week and can count 1 face to face meeting, 2 phone calls, and 9 {yes NINE} emails – All with Sales Messages intended for me to either buy or take...
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customer journey not just destination - customer service - sales process
Ever hear “It’s about the Journey, not just the Destination.” Though the “Destination” for customers – obtaining a desired product or service – can bring about its own euphoria, pleasure or satisfaction, customers {or patients, clients, even employees} look for clues and build expectations about how they’ll feel about their purchase by what they experience...
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Priority Dilution - There just aren't enough hours in the day to do the important stuff
These days, business owners, VP’s, directors, sales people, development officers and pretty much anyone who works, all have the same lament: “I just don’t have enough hours in the day.” It’s a vicious cycle: more to do, better resources and technology help accomplish those items—making them less labor intense, so then we add things to...
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  You can have a great Idea. You can have a great Product. You can Be the Best at what you do . . . but if you can’t effectively translate your Value to another person or business and Sell it to them . . . That’s a tough pill to swallow. Selling is all at once the most Complex,...
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When I tell people what The Selling Agency accomplishes, they are usually intrigued and interested from the start, but it’s the last phrase that gets some “Oooooohhhhhh”. The Selling Agency builds Revenue Engines for our clients – fueled by Sales Strategy, Sales Programs, Sales Leadership and Sales Teams.  We focus on Speed to Revenue, Profitability,...
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