
What’s your title? Are you the owner, the manager, the producer, the seller, the buyer, the coordinator? No matter if you’re the CEO or the CSR {Customer Service Representative}, a Solopreneur or Sales Rep at a Fortune 500 company, you are undoubtedly experiencing the rapid shift running through businesses like wildfire today that is called...
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Now, in this moment, if you’re not Innovating in your business, your business is dying. Innovation is one word that sums up the need to grow/change/forward progress/anticipate/forecast to meet the needs and actions of the markets/consumers we serve. It’s a buzz word right now but that’s for a reason. Innovate, or die. That’s the age...
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I’ve had the privilege of meeting and talking with thousands of people over the course of my career in sales, leadership and development. These last several years, as the pieces of The Selling Agency started fitting together and forming in the background of my life, I began a transformation that would ultimately drive me to...
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Many many many stories have been written on the phenomenal, if not fanatical corporate culture CEO Tony Hsieh has created at Zappos, but here’s a new one on me: They offer a 4 week immersion to new hires but after a week or so, they give newbies “The Offer”—which is a bribe of $1,000 TO...
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Browsing twitter and the 10 millionth “women in business” blog, I think my eyeballs might just roll out of my head if I read one more person’s bio about how revolutionary (but yet mind blowingly simple) their marketing plan is for your business. It seems like 1 out of 10 websites now is dedicated to...
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