
Sales Professionals
are your presentations a bomb?
Did you ever have one of those terrible professors or teachers in school—the ones that droned on and on about chemistry or Shakespeare or whatever? The ones that sucked all the enjoyment out of the topic, put you to sleep or or left you feeling like you wasted your time? Have you ever sat through...
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With several Sales Kick Off meetings on the books for this first quarter, we have a lot of “Selling” talk going on in our office as we develop content, slides and breakout sessions. The one thing we’re NOT talking about in our Sales Kick Off meetings: Sales Techniques. Selling has never been about Technique ....
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It’s an amazing marvel to watch my 5 year old work technology. Navigating Netflix on a tablet or doing Math games on a computer, I am in awe at how easily and intuitively they navigate something that is mystical, perplexing and a continuous moving target. They have no context of B.I. – Before Internet, and...
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