
sales tools
Since many of our clients at The Selling Agency are working feverishly to build their Selling Organization around meeting the Modern Consumer, we often coach them on the tools and resources that can best help them leverage low investment technology that brings high returns and allows them to scale their time and resources. Meet our...
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Last week, visiting my husband’s office, I was making small talk with one of his patients in the waiting area and discovered she worked for an attorney. I mentioned that sometimes my clients need some legal guidance and asked what their practice specialized in. Her response was “We do mortgages and some of the partners...
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This week, I met with my client, “Jane” who is launching a great new product. We talked about her initial efforts and responses to her first few prospect pitches. She was surprised that her first prospects balked at her value proposition and didn’t jump up and take her offer on the spot. I asked Jane...
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Everyone is in sales. EVERYONE has an agenda, a product, an idea, a position that they need to sell and on the flip side, we are ALL customers and prospective customers. At any given time, we are selling or being sold. So with a world full of Sales People, sometimes we are face to face...
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When you preach “Process, Automate, Organize and Measure” to scale and grow your business, you had better Walk the Talk. So, I’d like to peel back the curtain and share some of my favorite business tools that help me Buy Back Time Measure Productivity Get Focused Get Organized Here is this Quarter’s Organization Hacks and...
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I’ve found one of the biggest perils for small business, second stage businesses and even sales professionals is a lack of measurement and metrics that quantify their results. It’s an interesting mix of denial and flat out lack of application. “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t want to know the results” or “I...
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I met this delightful woman the other day at a Chamber Event. She was new, I was new . . . we bonded over the rather odd entrée selection at the buffet: FRIED catfish or GRILLED catfish. If you didn’t like catfish . . . um, you’re SOL, I guess. This is the South and all, but it was...
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