
If you’re not happy with where you are, you commit to change, right? But where are you putting your commitment? Are you committing to the results or to the CHANGES that get you to the results? A wise Sales Director once told his team,
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There’s much debate about the exact percentage of search and buying decision that happens before a decision is made or a company is engaged but, say these numbers are skewed give or take 10%, you’re still in a pickle if your Digital Personality is showing up in its pajamas for your interview: *67% of a...
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How do you handle competition? If you’re the market leader or have a nice slice of the pie, you’re always on the lookout for the challenger. But what does that look like? Are you always looking over your shoulder, trying to keep one step ahead or out in front? How much time are you spending...
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I’ve found one of the biggest perils for small business, second stage businesses and even sales professionals is a lack of measurement and metrics that quantify their results. It’s an interesting mix of denial and flat out lack of application. “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t want to know the results” or “I...
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My clients and colleagues through the years groan and moan when I bring up “Role Playing” as practice to deliver their important messages. While I understand their push back— It takes more time. What if I do or say something embarrassing in front of peers? What if I mess up and people think I can’t...
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  You can have a great Idea. You can have a great Product. You can Be the Best at what you do . . . but if you can’t effectively translate your Value to another person or business and Sell it to them . . . That’s a tough pill to swallow. Selling is all at once the most Complex,...
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There are just a few weeks between now and NEXT YEAR! While friends and family, celebrations and personal reflection are all a major part of the end of each year, this is still a critical time for business. Don’t mistake “Winding Down” for rolling over and “Playing Dead”. For Business Owners and Decision Makers, there’s...
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The majority of communicating with another human being is about persuasion or compelling them to act, perform, respond or engage in our desired choice. {Yes, that pretty much sums up “selling”} So, it’s no surprise to those of you who know how I feel about improving the way we communicate and sell our ideas that...
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When I tell people what The Selling Agency accomplishes, they are usually intrigued and interested from the start, but it’s the last phrase that gets some “Oooooohhhhhh”. The Selling Agency builds Revenue Engines for our clients – fueled by Sales Strategy, Sales Programs, Sales Leadership and Sales Teams.  We focus on Speed to Revenue, Profitability,...
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In the last blog I asked you if you had a Strategy to grow your business and after making you feel a little queasy, I promised to help you out with 4 steps to Building an Effective Sales Strategy. Selling more is a Sales Strategy and Planning and Executing, Measuring and Accountability is the only way you purposefully sell more....
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