
The power of repetition
Road tripping this to a volleyball tournament a while back, I had 3 hours to spend in the car with my 12-year-old daughter. We listened to hundreds of songs on my iPod. Rolling through several decades of old and new ones. At one point, she marveled at how many songs she knew – as in...
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Seems like a weird question I’d ask in a “professional” setting, right? I mean, unless you’re a 3 year old or a perhaps an inebriated frat pledge at a Toga party {do they still have those?} you’ve probably never walked out the door without your pants. But perhaps you’re doing it Metaphorically, every day. I...
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Have you ever met someone new and began to think about people that you can connect them to, potential clients, alliances or new markets for them? What do you do with those insights? Why would they listen to you? And, how do you leverage good ideas? I’m often in this situation {purposely} and have created  an...
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