
Social Media
sales sherpa
Selling to the small or mid sized business owner? That’s about as easy as pinning Jell-O to a wall, right? Business owners have 4,329 priorities in front of YOU, so how does a Sales Pro sell to the Small and Mid Sized Business? With the sheer volume of opportunities—Small and Mid Sized business owners {SMB}—represent...
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What do you and your business stand for? Why should I get to know you? Why would I accept your meeting invitation or connection request? What value do you bring to my network? What do you excel at? Who have you worked with before? What results do you produce? Will I like working with you?...
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Are you struggling with how Social Media can work for your business? It’s hard to exactly measure the Return on Investment of Social Media but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be leveraging it to grow your business or increase your sales. If you’re not using Social Media to bring your customers closer to you, guess...
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One of the hardest employee positions to fill right now is that of Sales Professional. My LinkedIn inbox and email are hit 4 or 5 times a week with business owners and recruiters asking for referrals of qualified and experienced Sales Professionals. I also see on LinkedIn many sales people boomerang in sales positions. Through...
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Last week, I had to have an unexpected surgery on my sinuses. At the doctor’s office one day and scheduling an urgent surgery for the following day! Wow – talk about a sudden disruption to your “status quo”. One of the first things I had to do was to create an account and login to...
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For years, to become better at Sales and Selling, sales people and business owners have focused on closing techniques or perfecting their pitch and offers. With the big flip in control of the sales process transferring to the buyer, in order to become better at selling now, we must study what factors influence how and...
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What is “Audience Development” and how do you know if you need to turn your focus and resources there? Audiences are people whom you’ve captivated or engaged for some span of time with some interesting thing, offer or thoughts. When you focus on providing value and being useful in your customers’ worlds, you are being...
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Is it hot in here? Or maybe that’s the heat of competition you’re feeling. You’re sweating at the cheaper, faster, bigger or slicker new kids on the block, trying to eat away at your market share and customers, clients or donors. All Selling Agency clients bring up “The Competition” in the first few minutes of...
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Buckle up, Cowboys and Cowgirls. If you’re still selling like it’s 1979 or even 1999, you’re in for a rough ride. There is a new Sheriff in town. Her name is “The Buyer” and she’s got bigger guns and is quicker on the draw, dropping sellers with old tired sales techniques faster than you can...
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As you get busy putting the finishing touches on this year and planning for the next, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers. Yes, it’s critical to measure wins, losses, margins and profits so you can build budgets and projections, but don’t forget to spend some time planning the sales messages you’ll communicate to...
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