
8 Habits of Successful Sellers
Back in 1988, Stephen Covey wrote his best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People which was a global phenomenon in the self-help genre selling over 25 million copies. Covey’s introspective advice struck a nerve with people who wanted to master success in their personal and business lives. The lessons he laid out were...
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what is a sales playbook, alice kemper sales trainer interview
Earlier this year, my friend and super sales trainer, Alice Kemper asked me my thoughts about the term “Sales Playbook”. I had shared with Alice that we build these often and help our clients execute these plans and she’s heard the term frequently lately and wanted to know if it was a “buzz word” or...
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Defining and documenting sales process is about as sexy as doing your taxes but having a plan to execute your strategy is key to business growth.
Why are you in business? The answers for each person might vary from deeply personal motivation such as “To create jobs for veterans“, “To be my own boss” or in my case, “It’s my calling, this is bigger than me, I HAD to build this business.” Most people start or build businesses because of a...
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