
Buckle up, Cowboys and Cowgirls. If you’re still selling like it’s 1979 or even 1999, you’re in for a rough ride. There is a new Sheriff in town. Her name is “The Buyer” and she’s got bigger guns and is quicker on the draw, dropping sellers with old tired sales techniques faster than you can...
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Sellers have traditionally focused on buyers’ price and budget as their biggest obstacles. Guess what, your first {and sometimes biggest} hurdle is Time. On any given day, the average person makes thousand of decisions – both consciously and in “auto-pilot” mode. We make over 200 decisions every day just about FOOD! {Pancakes, French Toast, or...
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With several Sales Kick Off meetings on the books for this first quarter, we have a lot of “Selling” talk going on in our office as we develop content, slides and breakout sessions. The one thing we’re NOT talking about in our Sales Kick Off meetings: Sales Techniques. Selling has never been about Technique ....
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In our experience working with businesses in all different industries at different stages – from small businesses, to mid sized business and even enterprise organizations, we’ve found one particular place where most Businesses and Sales Professionals are lacking: A real, actionable Sales Strategy to grow their business. Business Development is usually the first thing that...
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As you get busy putting the finishing touches on this year and planning for the next, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers. Yes, it’s critical to measure wins, losses, margins and profits so you can build budgets and projections, but don’t forget to spend some time planning the sales messages you’ll communicate to...
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How are you getting in front of your Target Audience? Do they know your expertise and value? Did you see what we did there? We didn’t say “customers” or “prospects” we used “Audience”. Because if you ONLY speak to whom you think will BUY from you, you’re missing the boat on advocates, influencers, donors, supporters and...
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Have you ever had a chat with someone and you walked away with your “Spidey Sense” screaming that the conversation and/or the person was completely full of it? Or did you have the feeling that what they “said” was not in alignment with their intentions or actions? I call that “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”...
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If you’re an innovator, builder, game changer, entrepreneur, promotion seeker or department of ONE, it can be lonely trying to forge new paths. No one can share your burdens directly – even with empathy and support in your work, it can be a hard and isolating journey filled with doubt, sacrifice and wrong turns before...
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One of the most amazing benefits Technology has delivered to consumers is the function of “immediacy” and the ability to make purchases, decisions and changes in an instant. I can buy movie tickets, stream a movie, transfer money, pay bills, post a blog, ship artwork, meet colleagues, collaborate on a presentation, host a webinar and...
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It’s not hard to find inspiration for our Selling Agency blog posts. We’re constantly assessing our every day interactions for the best and most common selling situations that we can learn from or highlight. This week’s post was a lay up thanks to a couple of guys going door to door. I pulled in to...
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