
women in business
Browsing twitter and the 10 millionth “women in business” blog, I think my eyeballs might just roll out of my head if I read one more person’s bio about how revolutionary (but yet mind blowingly simple) their marketing plan is for your business. It seems like 1 out of 10 websites now is dedicated to...
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I met this delightful woman the other day at a Chamber Event. She was new, I was new . . . we bonded over the rather odd entrée selection at the buffet: FRIED catfish or GRILLED catfish. If you didn’t like catfish . . . um, you’re SOL, I guess. This is the South and all, but it was...
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I know this title might put some peoples’ undies in a bunch, but hear me out. I think we need to dump the collective term, “Mompreneur,” as it’s getting used, abused, and sliding down into the depths of what I think is now an “excuse” used by some women starting, building or engaging in a business....
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