
Be Better in Business
Who's really calling the shots in your sale
Have you ever done the “Sales Walk of Shame” back to your car in the parking lot after realizing you just lost a sale and thought, “What in the world happened?” You didn’t see that coming. You thought things were looking good for you. Your buyer said things were going well. But somewhere along the...
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I received an email the other day from a company letting me know my order had shipped. The message came from “” Not “info,” not “orders,” but “customer love.” That made me feel special. For two reasons: It always makes me happy to know when my package was shipped and when I can expect it....
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Sellers, Pay Attention to your Intention
Here is another one of those blogs where the Universe has conspired to bring a topic to light. I’ve been on a campaign to move sellers from their Intuitive behaviors to intentional actions. We do so many things naturally, in the course of selling, like building relationships, asking questions, responding . . . but often,...
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Coach's Wisdom for Sales Pros
Right about this time of year, my husband gets a bit giddy and you’ll hear him humming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” No, he’s not an early Christmas shopper . . . his glee is boiling over because it’s FOOTBALL SEASON again! Between now and pretty much the Super Bowl, there are...
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Gold Medal Sales (and life) Advice from Olympian Bonnie Blair
Who’s the winningest woman in US Winter Olympics History? That would be Longtrack Speed Skater Bonnie Blair with 5 Gold medals and 1 Bronze. This past week, Bonnie Blair joined our annual Women Sales Pros conference as a guest speaker and shared some fantastic life lessons about training, competing, and reaching your goals. Her stories...
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I get frustrated sometimes. More often than I’d like to admit. I found myself explaining the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to a salesperson last week, a very young salesperson, who didn’t get my reference when I said, “There are NO MAGIC BEANS.” It seems that Jack and the Beanstalk isn’t as popular with...
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The power of repetition
Road tripping this to a volleyball tournament a while back, I had 3 hours to spend in the car with my 12-year-old daughter. We listened to hundreds of songs on my iPod. Rolling through several decades of old and new ones. At one point, she marveled at how many songs she knew – as in...
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Sales is exhilarating. Selling is grueling. Sales is non-stop activity. Selling is exhausting. Sales is juggling competing priorities. Selling is chasing a constantly moving target. How do you keep filling your new business pipeline, juggling activities, reports, administrative stuff, client relationships, and AVOIDING burnout? Considering the recent (various) reports that suggest nearly 7 out of...
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Top 4 Sales Challenges
What do YOU think would be the response when asked, “What are the top challenges sellers and sales pros face today?” Up until 5 to 10 years ago, you might have heard a resounding, “Lack of leads!” coming from salespeople. Nowadays, in this lightning-fast digital world of social platforms and instant communication, that’s not so...
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Sales Fails in Emails - Stop the Ugly Sales Tactics
My husband sent me this email earlier this week. He’s such a good sport. I truly think he may listen to what I say about sales and selling and I’m convinced he may even read my blog posts. He knew he had an example of a #SalesFail. A case study of what NOT to do...
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