
Sales Director
Don't be a Turkey_Gobble up year end sales
Don’t slip into that Turkey Day slump just yet! While friends and family, celebrations, and personal reflection are all a significant part of the end of each year, this is still a critical time for business. For Business Owners and Decision Makers, there’s still much work to be done to make it to the end of the year. They...
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The Power of Feedback to Improve Sales Results
I just came back from a phenomenal sales conference with my peer group, the Women Sales Pros. We have a public half-day conference and then two days of our private group learning and growing through shared expertise. It was my privilege to be tapped for a first-time session of “Cold Call Coaching” along with another...
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By the time a business hires me to assist with the sales program, they’re pretty frustrated. They’ve had sales growth and sales success but can’t seem to replicate or scale those efforts with sales hires. If this feels painfully familiar, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t mean you’re in good company because it’s a miserable...
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New Year Revenue Focus Skills Building
What’s your focus for improved sales results this year? Cleaning up my office this week and the biggest stack of papers on my desk is my “Session Notes” pile. It’s the colorful printouts of PowerPoint decks and session worksheets that are scribbled on in blue, purple, hot pink, and aqua (I love my colored sharpie...
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Selling IS Service
If you’re a salesperson and your company isn’t investing in helping you build responsive sales skills … that really stinks. Maybe we should have a talk about why that is and where you are. In the meantime, if you’re a sales leader or managing a line of business and a sales team and you’re looking...
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Swinging for the Fences in Sales Prospecting
The stats on prospecting that have been quoted (me included!) for the past several years go something like this … 48% of salespeople never follow up with a prospect 25% of salespeople make a second contact and stop 12% of salespeople only make three contacts and stop Only 10% of salespeople make more than three...
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I Hate Sales Training
Most of it, anyway, is actually terrible. I write this knowing that it could be confusing since many of you would consider what we do at The Selling Agency as “Sales Training.” Hear me out. When I look back at my years as an Account Executive in multiple organizations, I can recall almost every single...
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Sales Leaders, Who Are YOUR Most Important Customers
A while back I was in Washington DC giving a spectacular talk on Personality as a Seller’s Competitive Advantage. Along with my co-host of The SellOut Show, Dianna Geairn, we were invited to speak to the Institute for Excellence in Sales (IES) membership audience and as a mutually beneficial perk, the day before our early...
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What you're NOT measuring is hurting sales results
Are you lagging or leading? Let me share with you a bit of my diagnostic process. When I talk with sales leaders or business owners about their sales teams, I ask, “tell me about their performance?” Their response is usually something along the lines of, “Well, we missed our target last quarter,” or “We’ve had...
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3 Seller MUSTS for Effective New Business Development
I remember a funny moment about 10 years ago when a client figuratively slammed the door on me. I had set my sights on this customer as an ideal prospect for my printing solution. I found the right contact, called, emailed, called, emailed, called, called, and one day she answered the phone and said, “Tell...
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