
Be Better in Business
Here’s a short and simple thought for you to contemplate this week. You thought you knew the answer to this question. Your company may have trained you on this. You may have thought the answer was obvious. But that was “before” this bastard pandemic forced us into a hurried change in how, where, and WHY...
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We’ve seen some amazing examples of leadership, kindness, and compassion from individuals AND from business organizations during the Coronavirus Pandemic. We’ve also seen shady, opportunistic behavior, and businesses price gouging, gobbling up resources, et cetera. Our business behavior matters. Future customers AND future employees will want to know how a business treated its customers, employees,...
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If your days are running together and every day feels like it “could be” the weekend or a half-day, or ultra-casual day (Have you showered? No, that’s REALLY casual day) due to working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic, I want to share with you my Monday Morning Sales Meditation to help you create a...
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Hello friends. How are we doing in these are strange and uncertain times? I’ve spent the last two weeks working with sales teams that scrambled to go remote and figure out a new selling strategy, empathetic and compassionate messaging, and how they can best help their clients and customers. From email communication, social media, and...
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Making the transition from FIELD SALES to Work At Home Inside Sales
So, your field sales team has become an inside sales team AND they’re working at home? How do you make the transition? Inside sales teams right now have a slight advantage in that their tools, strategy, and processes are not likely to be wildly different – except for those that were centrally located and now...
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Selling and SERVING customers during times of crisis (COVID-19)
If you’re feeling like the world has turned upside down, or that we’re living inside an episode of The Twilight Zone, you’re not alone. Every day of these past few weeks has brought new, strange, and scary uncertainty with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic that is running rampant worldwide. We’re not only facing a...
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Role Playing in Sales - Mike Kunkle's Guide
Yes, Sellers love to cringe or roll their eyes when we say “Role Play” in coaching or training sessions. Along with call recording and ride alongs with sales leaders or peers, conducting Role Play scenarios are hands down one of THE MOST EFFECTIVE tools to improve sellers’ skills and increase results. Why do sellers hate...
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What's on your sales summer reading list?
I love stacking up my summer reading list. Whether it’s an audiobook I listen to while driving or a good old paperback page-turner that gets covered with sea salt and sand, I’m planning my list as Memorial Day and Summer is right around the corner. What’s on this year’s list? A mix of business, skill...
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8 Habits of Successful Sellers
Back in 1988, Stephen Covey wrote his best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People which was a global phenomenon in the self-help genre selling over 25 million copies. Covey’s introspective advice struck a nerve with people who wanted to master success in their personal and business lives. The lessons he laid out were...
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Book Report The Selling Agency Summer Reading List
Back to School. Depending on your age and child rearing status, these three words may be cheers to your ears or bring tears to your eyes. Me, I’m slightly more of the “tears” camp as I feel the dread of all the homework, projects, and general busy-ness of the school year creep up on me...
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