
Growing Small Business
Why should I listen to you
This past week, I’ve been evaluating some options for a client to pair the outside sales team we’re building with an inside sales team to do heavy prospecting and lead generation for one of the product areas that has a very large prospect base. If you’ve been on the internet lately and wanted to explore...
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4th quarter sales push
The Holidays are about to roll in and roll over us in all their festive and glittery glory. It seems once we pass Turkey day, the remaining few weeks of the year pick up steam like a snowball rolling downhill. For business, that means we’re starting to think about wrapping things up this year, taking...
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close sales faster
I am constantly looking around, trying to identify the “selling” moments that happen in everyday transactions and interactions – big and small. Trying to articulate the good, the bad, and the really terrible, because most selling exchanges are not clearly defined moments that each party is privy to – rather, they are small, natural communications...
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Did you send that lame just checking in email
I’ll admit, I’ve done it before. In my sales career, I’ve been frustrated and tried to get a buyer to respond with something compelling but in my haste, I’ve sent the – “Just Checking In” email. Have you received one of those? Or sent one? Hi Bill, How’s everything going? I’m just checking in to...
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Find customers right under your nose
In a previous BrightTalk webinar, I surveyed the audience of sellers and asked, “What is your biggest challenge in prospecting?” I thought the results were extremely interesting – and they validated what I’m hearing from many businesses and sales pros about their challenges in new business development. Of the 120 live viewers, those that responded...
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A clear path to sales productivity
The question I ask sellers and business owners most often is, “What’s the biggest obstacle to where you are now and achieving your sales goals?” What does your gut tell you is the most popular response? What would YOU say? Here they are in descending order: 3rd most common response – “Better pricing/lower costs would...
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More prequalifying and less guessing in sales
In an interview by Paul Watts for his show Sales Reinvented Podcast he asked me “What’s one thing you wish you knew earlier in your sales career?” My answer: “I wish I would have known to be more hardcore at pre-qualifying.” Yup. Pre-qualifying prospects is critical and when I think of all the thousands of...
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Missing Sales Signals on Calls
I’m following up on last week’s post, The Power of Feedback with my promise to show you the BIGGEST mistakes we’ve found when coaching you on Sales Phone Calls. We use call recording as a powerful way to help sellers improve their skills. This process is incredibly effective at assisting sellers to recognize their own challenges...
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By the time a business hires me to assist with the sales program, they’re pretty frustrated. They’ve had sales growth and sales success but can’t seem to replicate or scale those efforts with sales hires. If this feels painfully familiar, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t mean you’re in good company because it’s a miserable...
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will you be replaced by a sales robot
Everywhere you look, artificial intelligence, automation, and technology are replacing interactions we once used to have with other human beings. Some of this we cheer – such as self-guided drivers’ license kiosks, bots or algorithms that predict which wine, books, or music we would like, or cars that guide you back to driving in your...
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