
I Hate Sales Training
Most of it, anyway, is actually terrible. I write this knowing that it could be confusing since many of you would consider what we do at The Selling Agency as “Sales Training.” Hear me out. When I look back at my years as an Account Executive in multiple organizations, I can recall almost every single...
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Sales Leaders, Who Are YOUR Most Important Customers
A while back I was in Washington DC giving a spectacular talk on Personality as a Seller’s Competitive Advantage. Along with my co-host of The SellOut Show, Dianna Geairn, we were invited to speak to the Institute for Excellence in Sales (IES) membership audience and as a mutually beneficial perk, the day before our early...
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Design a Fantastic Sales Meeting
“Don’t you just LOVE meetings!” . . . said probably no one ever. Sales meetings, in particular, were usually met with an eye roll so hard from me that I could examine the back of my brain. Time after time, whether they were weekly, monthly, or scheduled on a whim, sales meetings devolved into sessions...
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Personal Improvement needs more than information
There’s all this free sales advice out there … So, why aren’t your sales team members killing it? Why aren’t they soaking it up? Why aren’t they studying YouTube, signing up for all the webinars, and buying all the freaking books? Seriously, WHY? Don’t they WANT to kill it? Don’t they WANT to be the...
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Sales Onboarding and training are backwards
Why do we love toddlers and small humans in weddings? It’s not because ring bearers and flower girls perfectly execute their duties with the style and panache of professionals. It’s because, in spite of rehearsals, practices and coaching, we know that they are a wild card and are capable of melting down, going off course...
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the Biggest Problem Holding Back Small Business Sales Teams
Our clients are usually classified as “Small Business” – though I absolutely DESPISE that term. The US economy is POWERED by Small Business! In fact, as of the 2010 census, Small Businesses make up to 99.7% of Employer Firms in this country (a “Small Business” is defined as having less than 500 employees). Yeah –...
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When and how do I hire a salesperson
  We run across this situation quite often. You started a business. You hustled. You busted your behind. You earned trust. You demonstrated experience and credibility. You brought in the customers and your business took off. But at a certain point, you spent less time selling and more time “doing” and running the business. At...
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Gold Medal Sales (and life) Advice from Olympian Bonnie Blair
Who’s the winningest woman in US Winter Olympics History? That would be Longtrack Speed Skater Bonnie Blair with 5 Gold medals and 1 Bronze. This past week, Bonnie Blair joined our annual Women Sales Pros conference as a guest speaker and shared some fantastic life lessons about training, competing, and reaching your goals. Her stories...
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I get frustrated sometimes. More often than I’d like to admit. I found myself explaining the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to a salesperson last week, a very young salesperson, who didn’t get my reference when I said, “There are NO MAGIC BEANS.” It seems that Jack and the Beanstalk isn’t as popular with...
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Order Takers vs True Sellers_ 5 Signs You've Got Fake Sales Reps on Your Team
Way back when I started my first sales job, I had a pretty tough product to sell. I’m sure you’ve heard me mention this one or two dozen times, but I was selling advertising for the WORST TV station in the market. We had to really hustle and get mega creative to earn our customers...
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