
Selling Pro
One-Stop-Shop- Is a Terrible Sales Phrase
One phrase that I hear often from sellers and businesses when they describe their offers really makes me cringe. I hear it a lot from sellers trying to paint a broad picture to capture as much potential business as possible. Yeah, I get crunchy when I hear, “We’re a One-Stop-Shop for all your needs.” Yikes....
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Sellers should send that happy thanksgiving email
We’re very close to Thanksgiving and all those Holiday traditions that signal the slowdown of business and preparation for the next year. I know you’re thinking Cranberry Sauce and Mashed Potatoes but hold up – there’s still some really important work to do! This time of year, I’m usually writing about year-end strategies to keep...
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Who's really calling the shots in your sale
Have you ever done the “Sales Walk of Shame” back to your car in the parking lot after realizing you just lost a sale and thought, “What in the world happened?” You didn’t see that coming. You thought things were looking good for you. Your buyer said things were going well. But somewhere along the...
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Sellers, Pay Attention to your Intention
Here is another one of those blogs where the Universe has conspired to bring a topic to light. I’ve been on a campaign to move sellers from their Intuitive behaviors to intentional actions. We do so many things naturally, in the course of selling, like building relationships, asking questions, responding . . . but often,...
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Avoid the Sales Email Follow Up Flop
Probably one of the most frustrating scenarios in sales is when you have a conversation or exchange with a prospective customer, follow up with a brilliant email containing a meeting request, information, or pricing, et cetera … and then, NOTHING. Your Follow-Up FLOPPED! • Why didn’t they respond? • Why haven’t they replied? • I...
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Year End Sales Push_4th Quarter Strategy
It’s 4th quarter – the time when sales teams are looking at closing the gap on their goals and where they are year-to-date. For some of you, you’re okay and on track. Good for you on managing your pipeline, developing new business, or “crushing it” this year. For many of you, this is a panic...
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Coach's Wisdom for Sales Pros
Right about this time of year, my husband gets a bit giddy and you’ll hear him humming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” No, he’s not an early Christmas shopper . . . his glee is boiling over because it’s FOOTBALL SEASON again! Between now and pretty much the Super Bowl, there are...
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Don't just follow up ... Move it Forward
I often joke about tattoos I would get – if I were the tattoo-ing sort. There are 5 or 6 phrases I use so regularly. They’re soundbites that are recurring in most of our training sessions – that after a while, my sellers can repeat them back to me like audience members that know the...
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research and FU - your follow up process is critical in sales
I will admit I’d like to see your face right now after reading this title. It wasn’t intentionally “click bait” but when sitting in a client’s office and discussing his sales process, he wrote on his whiteboard: “Prospecting: *Research *Call/Connect *FU” He immediately realized his abbreviation for “Follow Up” looked like a particularly nasty insult...
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How do you dramatically increase your WIN rates
This blog is a CHALLENGE to you. If you’re reading it on a Monday, make something BIG happen by Friday . . . I did a double take when I read this statistic on Jill Konrath’s blog, citing a piece of research from LinkedIn “Win rates multiply up to 4 times when you are connected...
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