
Customer Service
Small Business Sales Fails
This is not a “let’s trash small business discussion.” It’s really more of a love letter to small business a plea for you to change so that you can compete with your online retail competition. Two weeks ago I started the process to try to make and buy custom t-shirts for my volleyball team. I...
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When and how do I hire a salesperson
  We run across this situation quite often. You started a business. You hustled. You busted your behind. You earned trust. You demonstrated experience and credibility. You brought in the customers and your business took off. But at a certain point, you spent less time selling and more time “doing” and running the business. At...
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Making the transition from FIELD SALES to Work At Home Inside Sales
So, your field sales team has become an inside sales team AND they’re working at home? How do you make the transition? Inside sales teams right now have a slight advantage in that their tools, strategy, and processes are not likely to be wildly different – except for those that were centrally located and now...
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Are your eyes on the competition or your customers? What you SHOULD obsess about in your business.
How do you “handle” the competition? Meaning, do your competitors factor into your offers, your customers, your sales and marketing strategy? How much weight should you give to their consideration? And, What exactly should know about your competition and how do those insights affect YOUR plans? Unless you’re operating in a total vacuum, you should...
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Small Business, Employees sell, Motivate, Selling Organization
Most small businesses don’t yet have a sales team. All the “selling” has been shouldered by the owner from the launch and through the growth of the business and that owner wears way too many hats. For successful businesses, at some point, the owner decides that growth requires sharing that “sales” hat and then seeks...
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prevent unhappy customers in your business
We spend a lot of time and energy writing and discussing how to attract and sell to customers. Our focus is primarily on the top of the funnel – generating “At Bats” for our customers and readers because if you bring the right product to the right people at the right time and demonstrate your...
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customer journey not just destination - customer service - sales process
Ever hear “It’s about the Journey, not just the Destination.” Though the “Destination” for customers – obtaining a desired product or service – can bring about its own euphoria, pleasure or satisfaction, customers {or patients, clients, even employees} look for clues and build expectations about how they’ll feel about their purchase by what they experience...
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