
Capabilities vs Differences make a big sales difference
Let’s talk about your sales and profit margins. How effective do you think your Sales and/or Marketing messages are? Are they compelling and converting leads in to opportunities and opportunities into customers with strong and healthy margins? At what rate? And at what cost to acquire a new customer? (If you don’t know your conversion...
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Buyer, Manipulation, Trust, Prospecting, Differentiation, Buyer Journey, Closing, Leadership, Selling Skills vs Sales Techniques: What you should really invest in to improve results
*Note: This may ruffle your feathers. Good. If you disagree with me, let me know why. When I’m speaking at an event with sales pros, many times veteran sellers will approach me and size me up with these questions, “What techniques do you teach?”, or “What are the hottest new sales techniques?” I cringe inside...
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Selling for non-sales people, building your strategy, small business, entrepreneur, growing business, selling
Last post we started the series, “Selling for Non-Sales People” to give a framework and roadmap for those of you who may be business owners, bankers, lawyers, consultants, fundraisers, directors, or anyone who doesn’t have the term “Sales Pro” in their professional title. Everyone is in sales in some capacity – selling ideas, services, influence,...
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What is “Audience Development” and how do you know if you need to turn your focus and resources there? Audiences are people whom you’ve captivated or engaged for some span of time with some interesting thing, offer or thoughts. When you focus on providing value and being useful in your customers’ worlds, you are being...
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Is it hot in here? Or maybe that’s the heat of competition you’re feeling. You’re sweating at the cheaper, faster, bigger or slicker new kids on the block, trying to eat away at your market share and customers, clients or donors. All Selling Agency clients bring up “The Competition” in the first few minutes of...
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transcend the competition. Are you slugging it out with the competition?
Are you bumping up against the same competitors for business? Is there someone new popping up in your industry every month? Are you losing business to your competition? {As opposed to losing business to Apathy – that’s for another blog.} Whether my product was Flowers, Print on Paper, Business Cards, Office Space or Consulting Services,...
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