
When and how do I hire a salesperson
  We run across this situation quite often. You started a business. You hustled. You busted your behind. You earned trust. You demonstrated experience and credibility. You brought in the customers and your business took off. But at a certain point, you spent less time selling and more time “doing” and running the business. At...
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LinkedIn Fool with a tool, social media isn't working for my business
“A Fool with a tool is still a Fool.” So says the outspoken social selling evangelist, Jill Rowley. Jill was one of the first 100 employees at Salesforce.com and has pioneered social selling, challenging the modern sales pro to keep pace with the modern buyer. I completely agree with her. A fool with a tool...
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I told a story yesterday about the process of how I named my consulting firm, “The Selling Agency”. This came from excellent feedback {EVERYONE needs outside perspective} from a really smarty pants colleague who pushed me to really focus on what the experience, core competencies and key deliverables would be for my clients: Quickly closing...
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A penguin cannot become a giraffe.
This past weekend, I had the wonderful privilege of speaking at the Lone Star College Women’s Conference in Houston. Great Crowd. Great Content. GREAT Conference. I had the honor of kicking off the day with my topic: GO! Promote Yourself! My objective was to inspire people to “pick themselves” and not wait to be recognized...
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