
How excited does your prospect get when they see your email pop into their inbox? Wouldn’t it be great if they had a Pavlovian response and immediately expected to see something cool, interesting, or insightful when they clicked on your message? Sadly, most “clicks” on sales messages – especially cold or following up – are...
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Swinging for the Fences in Sales Prospecting
The stats on prospecting that have been quoted (me included!) for the past several years go something like this … 48% of salespeople never follow up with a prospect 25% of salespeople make a second contact and stop 12% of salespeople only make three contacts and stop Only 10% of salespeople make more than three...
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Are you tired of waiting for Buyers to respond?
How often do you face a stalled sale or wilted opportunity after you propose a solution? This is a GIANT bummer because we know how hard it is to get a prospect’s attention. We hustle and grit it out to make the calls, emails, and connections payoff with conversations and meetings. It’s frustrating when prospects...
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How to handle the We need to think about it sales pushback from customers
There’s hardly anything I can think of that’s more cringeworthy to a seller than hearing, “I’ll think it over” come out of a prospect’s mouth after you’ve proposed a solution or put a contract in front of him or her. For me, it was worse than hearing a flat out, “No” or “I’ve chosen another...
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Use Disruption in your Sales Messaging
Potatoes, Eggs, Bacon, Croissant, Orange Juice, Dolphins. See what I did there? Your brain started looking for a pattern: Food, Breakfast Foods … then, BAM. Disruption. Want to get someone’s attention? Disrupt patterns AND their expectations. Our brains are, say it with me now, FUTURE PREDICTION MACHINES and we’re constantly surveying and assessing for what...
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Sellers, Pay Attention to your Intention
Here is another one of those blogs where the Universe has conspired to bring a topic to light. I’ve been on a campaign to move sellers from their Intuitive behaviors to intentional actions. We do so many things naturally, in the course of selling, like building relationships, asking questions, responding . . . but often,...
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Avoid the Sales Email Follow Up Flop
Probably one of the most frustrating scenarios in sales is when you have a conversation or exchange with a prospective customer, follow up with a brilliant email containing a meeting request, information, or pricing, et cetera … and then, NOTHING. Your Follow-Up FLOPPED! • Why didn’t they respond? • Why haven’t they replied? • I...
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research and FU - your follow up process is critical in sales
I will admit I’d like to see your face right now after reading this title. It wasn’t intentionally “click bait” but when sitting in a client’s office and discussing his sales process, he wrote on his whiteboard: “Prospecting: *Research *Call/Connect *FU” He immediately realized his abbreviation for “Follow Up” looked like a particularly nasty insult...
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Sales Stats to focus on for 2018
Looking forward to the New Year, I’m thinking about the most important areas to focus on for my clients’ sales teams. Prospecting is always tough, closing is a priority, new business development is critical . . . What’s your data telling you to focus on? If you’re looking for specific places to focus on development,...
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Networking burning cash for sellers and business owners
Many sales people and business owners tell me “networking” is how they fill their pipeline with leads and opportunities. And rarely, do I ever believe them. I do believe networking can lead to opportunities, but more often than not, “networking” simply fills up their calendar and gives them the feeling that they’re accomplishing something. They...
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