
What's the ROI of your sales excuses?
Helping sellers build their super sales skills and moving sales teams to outperform their competition puts us squarely in a category to be “Challengers.” Our job is to challenge your status quo – to challenge your mindset, to change behaviors, and to inspire actions. This, as you can imagine, is received differently by people. Much...
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Capabilities vs Differences make a big sales difference
Let’s talk about your sales and profit margins. How effective do you think your Sales and/or Marketing messages are? Are they compelling and converting leads in to opportunities and opportunities into customers with strong and healthy margins? At what rate? And at what cost to acquire a new customer? (If you don’t know your conversion...
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the Biggest Problem Holding Back Small Business Sales Teams
Our clients are usually classified as “Small Business” – though I absolutely DESPISE that term. The US economy is POWERED by Small Business! In fact, as of the 2010 census, Small Businesses make up to 99.7% of Employer Firms in this country (a “Small Business” is defined as having less than 500 employees). Yeah –...
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Shame in your email game: 5 top email blunders of small busiiness
“Opt In” or “Subscribe Here” . . . we have come to expect a certain level of value when we surrender our email address to a company and expect some unwritten {and also written} rules to be followed and a significant exchange of something worthwhile to us in response to handing over our email address....
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I’ve found one of the biggest perils for small business, second stage businesses and even sales professionals is a lack of measurement and metrics that quantify their results. It’s an interesting mix of denial and flat out lack of application. “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t want to know the results” or “I...
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