
Why should I listen to you
This past week, I’ve been evaluating some options for a client to pair the outside sales team we’re building with an inside sales team to do heavy prospecting and lead generation for one of the product areas that has a very large prospect base. If you’ve been on the internet lately and wanted to explore...
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Desperation Calling!
Last week, I had two instances where sales reps contacted me to try to sell me a product. In both cases, each rep was certain I needed their subscription software. Both of their general sales rational were that other businesses found their product helpful and the features were great and I should sign up today....
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4th quarter sales push
The Holidays are about to roll in and roll over us in all their festive and glittery glory. It seems once we pass Turkey day, the remaining few weeks of the year pick up steam like a snowball rolling downhill. For business, that means we’re starting to think about wrapping things up this year, taking...
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Don't be a Turkey_Gobble up year end sales
Don’t slip into that Turkey Day slump just yet! While friends and family, celebrations, and personal reflection are all a significant part of the end of each year, this is still a critical time for business. For Business Owners and Decision Makers, there’s still much work to be done to make it to the end of the year. They...
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Did you send that lame just checking in email
I’ll admit, I’ve done it before. In my sales career, I’ve been frustrated and tried to get a buyer to respond with something compelling but in my haste, I’ve sent the – “Just Checking In” email. Have you received one of those? Or sent one? Hi Bill, How’s everything going? I’m just checking in to...
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Find customers right under your nose
In a previous BrightTalk webinar, I surveyed the audience of sellers and asked, “What is your biggest challenge in prospecting?” I thought the results were extremely interesting – and they validated what I’m hearing from many businesses and sales pros about their challenges in new business development. Of the 120 live viewers, those that responded...
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Stop Selling and Start Leading
Here’s a new approach to the profession of sales. For years, we’ve seen the reputation of sellers slide into a negative, “pushy” or “obnoxious” stereotype of the “don’t-take-no-always-be-closing” pushers portrayed in movies such as The Wolf of Wallstreet, The Boiler Room, and Glengarry Glen Ross. Personally, it pisses me off that so many sellers before...
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Showing Up for all the Wrong Reasons
Let’s do a reality check. Your Customers Know If You’re Showing Up for All the Wrong Reasons. They can smell it. Even on the phone. Self-serving sellers show up for all the wrong reasons. It’s what goes through buyers’ minds when they pick up the phone: “Is this person going to waste my time?” We...
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Afraid of being too pushy in sales
I hear sellers and business owners tell me they “Don’t want to be too pushy” at least 5 times a week. Trust me, if you have to say that, you’ve never been “too pushy”. Many of us have had negative experiences with salespeople that have a bulldozer mentality. They’re not afraid to run over you...
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Could you sell to your mother
Mother’s Day reminded me of an episode of The SellOut Show where we talked to the super seller, Josh Sutton from DiscoverOrg and in a passionate moment caught up in prospecting, he stated that he “believed he could sell DiscoverOrg to his grandma.” To his GRANDMA! Wow. That’s confidence! It made me think, could I...
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