
Social Selling
A clear path to sales productivity
The question I ask sellers and business owners most often is, “What’s the biggest obstacle to where you are now and achieving your sales goals?” What does your gut tell you is the most popular response? What would YOU say? Here they are in descending order: 3rd most common response – “Better pricing/lower costs would...
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Afraid of being too pushy in sales
I hear sellers and business owners tell me they “Don’t want to be too pushy” at least 5 times a week. Trust me, if you have to say that, you’ve never been “too pushy”. Many of us have had negative experiences with salespeople that have a bulldozer mentality. They’re not afraid to run over you...
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Chasing the One Call Sales Unicorn Myth
What thoughts go through your head when you call someone and don’t get a callback? How do you feel when you get no response to an email you sent a prospect? Sellers tell me that the biggest frustration and source of pain in their job is feeling like they’re being ignored by potential customers. For...
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Top 4 Sales Challenges
What do YOU think would be the response when asked, “What are the top challenges sellers and sales pros face today?” Up until 5 to 10 years ago, you might have heard a resounding, “Lack of leads!” coming from salespeople. Nowadays, in this lightning-fast digital world of social platforms and instant communication, that’s not so...
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Small Business Sales Strike Out
Guest Post by Selena Silvestro, Director of Ground Floor Strategies at The Selling Agency and weekend warrior baseball fan in the bleachers. Read on for first-hand sales advice for Small Business Owners, Solopreneurs, and Sales Pros in Small Businesses: Every business lives and dies by its ability to build revenue. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of businesses...
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The No 1 Best Seller-Lee Bartlett-Cold Call-The Sellout Show-Dianna Geairn-Shawn Karol Sandy-The Selling Agency
If you didn’t catch on when I shared our Red Carpet Review of the best sales movies, let me catch you up: I’m doing a weekly video show with The Irreverent Sales Girl, Dianna Geairn. It’s “The SellOut Show” – because if we were a live show with an audience, we’d surely always be sold out. So.Many.Metaphors.Here....
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Marketing, Selling, Messages, Communication, Sales Process, Prospecting, Small Business, Growth, Value, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, LinkedIn, Results, Business Owners
Watching the sales activity of several sales teams lately, I have come to the conclusion that these teams are truly confused about the differences between MARKETING and SELLING. I work with many small businesses where the business owner and/or the small sales teams sell and there is often NOT a marketing department within the company....
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Selling Mix, Marketing Mix, Promotion, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Customer Currency, Context, Cold Calling, Referral, Introduction, Influence, Sales Rep, Buyer Journey, Sales Process
Several months back I was sitting in on a sales meeting with a new client, observing her sales team, what she asked of them and what they reported. When asked about the progress on meeting with a particular prospect, one sales rep admitted, with frustration, “I don’t know what his problem is. I just haven’t...
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Buying signals, buying triggers, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Follow Up
Recently, I handed over my email address to a sales technology company and much to my annoyance, my phone number, name of my company, title, and headcount – to download an e-book of “sumthin’ or other” (it was so memorable, I couldn’t tell you the details of what or why I opted in). The promise...
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Learn Harder - Insights from 2016 Sales Machine Summit by Salesforce.com and Sales Hacker
Traveling to NYC this past week, I had the opportunity to get chatty with many of my fellow travelers. “Going places” is pretty much a universal language and helps create instant bonds when you’re “all in this together” on a plane, or in a terminal. So, unless you give the international sign of “don’t bother...
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