
How do you climb out of a sales slump?
There seems to come a time in every performer’s career where they have a “slump.” Baseball players have them, golfers, and yes, sales pros too – even the best ones. So how do you handle a slump, slow streak, or sales drought? I thought back to my own days as an account executive and new...
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3 Points of Gratitude
Have I told you how grateful I am for you? How thankful I am that you allow me in your inbox, in your social feeds, and give me feedback about how I can help you or move your business forward? I am. I am very grateful. And, in fact, some of the very best salespeople...
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How can FAILURE build confidence in sales teams
Everyone hates to fail. We don’t want to admit to failure. I despise it. Even though we’re familiar with sayings that tell us how much we learn from failure, how it makes us stronger . . . and all those other rah-rah messages. Sure, we learn what we SHOULD have done. That’s easy to see...
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Design a Fantastic Sales Meeting
“Don’t you just LOVE meetings!” . . . said probably no one ever. Sales meetings, in particular, were usually met with an eye roll so hard from me that I could examine the back of my brain. Time after time, whether they were weekly, monthly, or scheduled on a whim, sales meetings devolved into sessions...
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Sales Coaching for Success
I recently recorded a session for a Virtual Sales Summit along with three super-smart counterparts – and our focus was on Coaching the Next Generation of Sales Leaders. My contribution to our sales coaching discussion was “3 keys to coaching behavior changes.” Coaching is one of those broad, ambiguous titles. Some folks confuse coaching with...
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I get frustrated sometimes. More often than I’d like to admit. I found myself explaining the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to a salesperson last week, a very young salesperson, who didn’t get my reference when I said, “There are NO MAGIC BEANS.” It seems that Jack and the Beanstalk isn’t as popular with...
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8 Habits of Successful Sellers
Back in 1988, Stephen Covey wrote his best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People which was a global phenomenon in the self-help genre selling over 25 million copies. Covey’s introspective advice struck a nerve with people who wanted to master success in their personal and business lives. The lessons he laid out were...
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We’ve descended into total “ball” season, folks: football, baseball, the other “football” affectionately known as soccer, and even volleyball. In our house with two sporty kids, right now we’re either playing a game, practicing for a game, watching a game, or talking about a game. I’m writing this post after my daughter’s volleyball practice tonight...
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Are You A Sales Survivor? Selling, Sales Process, Value, Prospecting, Business Development, Lead Generation, Persistence, Determination, Grit, Sales Survivor, Incumbent, Success
Having spent many of my first sales years in the TV industry, I absolutely LOVE seeing the new fall shows in the July upfronts. We got a sneak peek into the new shows and the returning favorites. I still get giddy at fall previews and this year, couldn’t believe that Survivor was coming back for...
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no sales shortcuts to the top, Sales Process, Shortcuts, Value, CEO, Executives, Single Threaded, Advocates, Opportunities, Trail, Success, Switchbacks, Blogs, Inspiration
Where does blog inspiration come from? Many, MANY posts over these last few years have come from being on the buying side – analyzing and reverse engineering my experience as a customer to share the Do’s, Don’ts and #SALESFAILS that can help my clients and audience build smarter sales strategies. Many blog posts also come...
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