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sales fail
Small Business Sales Strike Out
Guest Post by Selena Silvestro, Director of Ground Floor Strategies at The Selling Agency and weekend warrior baseball fan in the bleachers. Read on for first-hand sales advice for Small Business Owners, Solopreneurs, and Sales Pros in Small Businesses: Every business lives and dies by its ability to build revenue. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of businesses...
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no sales shortcuts to the top, Sales Process, Shortcuts, Value, CEO, Executives, Single Threaded, Advocates, Opportunities, Trail, Success, Switchbacks, Blogs, Inspiration
Where does blog inspiration come from? Many, MANY posts over these last few years have come from being on the buying side – analyzing and reverse engineering my experience as a customer to share the Do’s, Don’ts and #SALESFAILS that can help my clients and audience build smarter sales strategies. Many blog posts also come...
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Heat Up Your Sales Results, Joanne Black - Referral Sales
We’re back this week with another blog post on how to avoid Sales Fails. This time, I asked another Women Sales Pro member, Joanne Black, “What would be the one thing, you would tell sellers to stop doing immediately?” Being the sales industry authority and go-to expert on Referral Selling, Joanne’s response was no surprise...
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Conversion Rate, March Madness, Casualty Rate, Sales, Selling, Small Business, PreQualifying, Opportunities, Leads, Lead Generation, Conversion, Prospects, Customers, Practice, Skills
What is your conversion rate and why is this little number such an important indicator of your company’s performance and health? In the big picture, understanding your conversion rate helps you know exactly how much it costs you to gain a new customer. This can help you plan your budgets and determine your pricing and...
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Stop Winging it and Make a Sales Plan Expert Advice Via Alice Heiman
We’ve had great response (and a lot of STRONG suggestions) when we started asking sales leaders across the country to share their insights about what sales pros should STOP doing to earn more sales. I had particularly emphatic response from my colleagues of Women Sales Pros, whom all seem to be on a mission to...
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Seller, C-Level, Meetings, Opportunities, Top Line Sales, Lisa Magnuson
In the first of the Sales Fails series, our sales pro gave the advice to “Stop Hiding Behind Email” in order to build relationships, earn trust and close deals faster. This week’s expert advice comes from the founder of Top Lines Sales, Lisa Magnuson, Top Line Deal Coach. Lisa’s advice is a great recommendation for...
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It’s financially detrimental when you make “Sales” an afterthought in your business.
I’ve heard every conceivable combination of titles and explanations that dance around the inevitable conclusion that a person is SELLING something. Give me a title, a business, any role, and I can tell you what they are selling: HR Director—Sells employee buy in, job satisfaction, order and processes Nail Artist—Sells unique self expression, personal style...
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Sellers have traditionally focused on buyers’ price and budget as their biggest obstacles. Guess what, your first {and sometimes biggest} hurdle is Time. On any given day, the average person makes thousand of decisions – both consciously and in “auto-pilot” mode. We make over 200 decisions every day just about FOOD! {Pancakes, French Toast, or...
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Tackling thoughts about FAILURE today, but let’s start out this blog with the right mindset: Failure is an EVENT, not a person. –Zig Ziglar Click To Tweet Man, we hate failure. Don’t want to admit to it, don’t want to claim it, don’t want it any where near us. But why? Other than school grades,...
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Last week, visiting my husband’s office, I was making small talk with one of his patients in the waiting area and discovered she worked for an attorney. I mentioned that sometimes my clients need some legal guidance and asked what their practice specialized in. Her response was “We do mortgages and some of the partners...
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