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sales fail
What do you do after a sales blunder?
A while back I was in Seattle with my favorite group of women and my favorite conference of the year. The Women Sales Pros gathers for a two-day learning extravaganza every fall and I always walk away dizzy with new ideas to implement and new insights to bring to my clients – as #LearnHarder is...
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What you're NOT measuring is hurting sales results
Are you lagging or leading? Let me share with you a bit of my diagnostic process. When I talk with sales leaders or business owners about their sales teams, I ask, “tell me about their performance?” Their response is usually something along the lines of, “Well, we missed our target last quarter,” or “We’ve had...
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Ditch this terrible sales advice
Part of understanding the negative feelings out there about sellers is reconciling the fact that much of the sales advice out there preaches manipulative and controlling sales practices that leave customers skittish, untrusting, and gun-shy about sellers’ intentions. Which is why buyers don’t return our calls, shrug off our emails, and work hard to ignore...
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Six Ways to Make Sales Negotiations Less Painful and More Profitable
We spend a huge amount of energy working with our clients on the early stages of their pipeline. Right now, at this time in history, the demand for our customers’ attention is in intense. We are fighting to be able to get in front of buyers for those first precious impressions and to be able...
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Personal Improvement needs more than information
There’s all this free sales advice out there … So, why aren’t your sales team members killing it? Why aren’t they soaking it up? Why aren’t they studying YouTube, signing up for all the webinars, and buying all the freaking books? Seriously, WHY? Don’t they WANT to kill it? Don’t they WANT to be the...
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How to handle the We need to think about it sales pushback from customers
There’s hardly anything I can think of that’s more cringeworthy to a seller than hearing, “I’ll think it over” come out of a prospect’s mouth after you’ve proposed a solution or put a contract in front of him or her. For me, it was worse than hearing a flat out, “No” or “I’ve chosen another...
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Coach's Wisdom for Sales Pros
Right about this time of year, my husband gets a bit giddy and you’ll hear him humming, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” No, he’s not an early Christmas shopper . . . his glee is boiling over because it’s FOOTBALL SEASON again! Between now and pretty much the Super Bowl, there are...
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avoid resuscitating a deal gone wrong
“Oh crap. Is it too late to resuscitate?” Recently, a sales team found out the hard way that a client was pissed about something that happened several months ago. Unfortunately, they found out because they are being shut out of an enormous opportunity. They were coming at the opportunity from several angles with several divisions....
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Sales Fails in Emails - Stop the Ugly Sales Tactics
My husband sent me this email earlier this week. He’s such a good sport. I truly think he may listen to what I say about sales and selling and I’m convinced he may even read my blog posts. He knew he had an example of a #SalesFail. A case study of what NOT to do...
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Making the transition from FIELD SALES to Work At Home Inside Sales
So, your field sales team has become an inside sales team AND they’re working at home? How do you make the transition? Inside sales teams right now have a slight advantage in that their tools, strategy, and processes are not likely to be wildly different – except for those that were centrally located and now...
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